Around the campfire
Let’s gather around the campfire and share stories, surprising facts and bright ideas,
as part of our modern lifestyle.

Det ikoniske originale Tordenskjold design vender tilbage.
Vi reintroducerer det originale design, der har gjort tændstikkerne til et dansk ikon siden 1865. I stedet for at redesigne emballagen, vil vi fremover fokusere på at designe begrænsede premium-udgaver, samt engagere danskerne gennem nye, spændende kampagneaktiviteter.

The story of Tordenskjold and the matches begins
after the fateful battles at Dybbøl in 1864.

Open fire AT HOME
Do you want to ensure efficient and safe use of open fire at home? Whether you’re lighting a fireplace or a wood stove, this guide provides essential techniques and straightforward advice to achieve the best results.

Open fire cooking
– a tradition that never grows old
Humans have been cooking with fire for hundreds of thousands of years. We associate it with more than taste, because it isn’t just food. It is a moment that we share with ourselves and those around us. It is an experience.

5 sure-fire ways
to brighten your mood
Whether the cold gets under your skin, you are too tired to “do” anything, or
you want to gather loved ones in an inspiring and uplifting way, fire is a great ally.

how to build
the perfect fire - a guide
Headed outside ready to build the perfect campfire? Our guide can be downloaded and
printed for easy access offline and offgrid.

swedish aspen -
a regenerative resource
Highly dedicated to providing quality products in a responsible manner, sustainability comes natural to Tordenskjold. This is why our matches are made from Swedish aspen wood.