Open fire AT HOME
Do you want to ensure efficient and safe use of open fire at home? Whether you’re lighting a fireplace or a wood stove, this guide provides essential techniques and straightforward advice to achieve the best results.
Before you strike a match, understanding the fundamentals of lighting a fire is crucial. Here you can find essential instructions, preparing you to master the art of lighting a fire safely at home
Lighting a wood stove or fireplace
Use clean and dry wood. Wet wood burns poorly and produces low heat and a lot of smoke.
Never burn waste such as advertisements, magazines, milk cartons, paper, or wood that is painted or treated.
Start the fire with kindling and firelighters so that the fire can quickly catch.
Ensure that there is plenty of air coming in through the vent or damper when you light the fire.
Add wood gradually. The fire should catch the wood, so the temperature rises quickly.
Adjust the vents to the desired position, and continue optimal combustion until the embers are formed, after which you can add new wood...
Every time you add wood, open the damper or vent for air until the dark yellow flames turn blue.

A note on safety:
Fire always requires a great deal of care and respect. It should only be lit in places where it is allowed, and never (ever) when there is a fire ban. A safe fire is placed on gravel or sandy ground, with stones and gravel underneath and a ring of stones around it. The fire should not be placed on or next to a rock face, neither on peatland nor moss. You should also avoid starting a fire near trees, tree stumps or dry grass, and never when it is windy. Make sure to always keep a bucket of water close at hand.