Household Matches

Average Content: 100 pcs/box 
Splint Length: 55 mm 

Our classic Tordenskjold Household Matches are subject to higher requirements than the European standard, and our testing and analysis methods are more complex. The MATCHTEK® standard guarantees you safe and reliable matches that are also environmentally friendly. These high-quality matches do not crackle when ignited or break in the hand of the igniter, which makes it safer and easier to light a candle or firebox. 
Household Matches sticks are longer than standard matches, resulting in a longer burn time that is ideal for lighting fireboxes, candles, barbecues, and bonfires. Their design caters to the domestic environment, ensuring easy storage and accessibility around the home. Household Matches are the go-to choice for a reliable and practical fire source in any household setting.

90% renewable substances
0% heavy metals
FSC® certified
Safety Matches